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Stainless Steel Canister with Outgassing Valve (Holds 1.3 lbs.) Keeps Coffee Fresher Longer!

Stainless Steel Canister with Outgassing Valve (Holds 1.3 lbs.) Keeps Coffee Fresher Longer!

Product Description

Stainless steel canister has an outgassing valve, which is a 1-way valve that allows trapped oxygen and carbon dioxide – both produced by roasted coffee beans – to escape the canister so that they will not continue to age the coffee.

The canister is solid steel with a black top, which will block light as well as air and moisture. This will keep your coffee fresh, and the outgassing will keep your coffee from ageing – it will slow the process down quite a bit.

The outgassing valve is under the silvery center tab. In addition to the valve, there is a circular dial, with the numbers from 1 to 31, which allows you to set it to the date at which you put coffee in it to store. So as the coffee sits, the can will outgas and preserve the quality of the coffee, and when you go to use it, you can easily see when the coffee in the canister was put there.

The canister is just over 7” high, and is 4.4” in diameter. It will fit comfortably on your backsplash, and will hold 1.3 pounds of coffee.